Our parish has the blessed privilege of being named for Our Lady of Sorrows and today was an absolutely beautiful day to honor Mary, our Sorrowful Mother. Father had an amazing morning planned for all the classes, having each participate in a Eurcharisitc Procession from the school chapel to the church for prayer and adoration. It was such a neat experience for all involved.
Birdie on right with white bow.
Our church has such a beautiful side alter dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and it was the perfect place for our moments of prayer.
The procession at school was a great way to start the day.
We ended the day with some crafts and baking.
We mixed up some little heart-shaped white cakes to decorate in honor of the seven sorrows. While they were all baking, the girls colored the heart of Mary, glued it to a little red envelope and wrote out the seven sorrows to place inside it. We found arrow-shaped toothpicks at Kroger which worked perfectly for the craft as well as the cakes.
Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray for Us!